Life is like a recipe. You've got the fun and yummy ingredients but you've also got the necessary gross ingredients that don't
become something great until all mixed in. Life is the same. You've got your good days and then you've got your trials. Taking
trials by themselves, they're terrible and bitter. But when all mixed into life, you see the blessings and wonderful joys they bring.
Like flour and baking powder, you have your necessary evils. Butter is like the grease of working. Sugar is like the good days,
they make everything sweet. But when all of these are mixed together, you come out with something wonderful... hopefully. When
you mix the elements of life, you also come out with something very... Extraordinary.
Welcome to the recipe of our lives.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


We knew, as soon as we knew we were going to Hawaii, what we wanted to do. 


And boy oh boy was it fun!

We rented 4 boards and rotated them between the 6 of us

The weather was beautiful

The waves were perfect... 
calm enough to let us learn, rough enough to make us tumble a few times

It was the funnest, and one of the hardest things we've ever done

Standing on that board isn't as easy as some make it look
We spent most of the time on our knees and our bottoms
When we were daring enough, standing became the only thing we focused on

However, standing was scary due to the coral 3 feet under us
We were told: "When you fall, fall flat"
Falling flat is tough stuff

Then, this handsome cut his foot open on the coral and paddling was over for him.

isn't he cute?

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