Life is like a recipe. You've got the fun and yummy ingredients but you've also got the necessary gross ingredients that don't
become something great until all mixed in. Life is the same. You've got your good days and then you've got your trials. Taking
trials by themselves, they're terrible and bitter. But when all mixed into life, you see the blessings and wonderful joys they bring.
Like flour and baking powder, you have your necessary evils. Butter is like the grease of working. Sugar is like the good days,
they make everything sweet. But when all of these are mixed together, you come out with something wonderful... hopefully. When
you mix the elements of life, you also come out with something very... Extraordinary.
Welcome to the recipe of our lives.

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Absence

For all of those who use this to keep updated on our lives and for our future kids who will one day read this, I am so very sorry for the multiple-month-long absence. School got crazy, life got crazy, and I took a big long break from most social networking stuff. But! I'm back and hopefully it'll be better than ever! So much has happened and I will attempt to fill in quickly.

The biggest and the newest is our move! We are now in a little house on Edwards Air Force Base, which we swore up and down would never EVER happen. We're city people and this place is far from city-like. However, we love love love it and it's a blessing from Heaven. There's no way to deny that!

The reason for the move: Our break in. We came home from date night one night to find our apartment had been broken into through the window and our tv was taken. A long and more-painful-than-I-expected story later, and we are in our house! The day after our break in, we knew we were moving to base. We both decided on our own that's what would be best and were pretty shocked when the other agreed (I'm tellin ya, we were both anti base.) We found out that the military would get us out of our lease quickly and get us into a house as soon as one was available, but we were told it would take two months. Dreading two more months in that scary place, I didn't think I'd make it. But the house was ready in two WEEKS. An undeniable tender mercy. Then we found out we'd have a ton of help moving, another tender mercy. We found out we got the house on Friday and were packed by Monday and moved on Tuesday. And, magically, everybody that was going to help us was able to get off work early which allowed us to make it to the weigh station in time. Huge tender mercy. And now, we are in a cute little house, which for two people, feels massive and quite lonely, but it's wonderful. I can open the windows and not fear that somebody is eyeing our stuff. I have a garage to park in so I don't fear my car being broken into. All around, just wonderful.

As of right now, I'm workin hard to finish school strong! 20 days, but who's counting?! It's also been decided that I'm going back to school in the fall for one more year! I'm going to get a certificate in Graphic Design and I couldn't be more excited! Here's to hoping it all comes together and works out!

Derek is still in stop training for Air Traffic Control and will be for a few more months probably. Then he'll be directing the air planes that will fly over our house! He's pretty much the best and been such a huge help and support through the tough last month or so.

I know there's more, but I'll post when it comes to mind. I hope to start doing 3 posts a week and to make this blog way better than it's been!

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