Life is like a recipe. You've got the fun and yummy ingredients but you've also got the necessary gross ingredients that don't
become something great until all mixed in. Life is the same. You've got your good days and then you've got your trials. Taking
trials by themselves, they're terrible and bitter. But when all mixed into life, you see the blessings and wonderful joys they bring.
Like flour and baking powder, you have your necessary evils. Butter is like the grease of working. Sugar is like the good days,
they make everything sweet. But when all of these are mixed together, you come out with something wonderful... hopefully. When
you mix the elements of life, you also come out with something very... Extraordinary.
Welcome to the recipe of our lives.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

ONE:) by one by one

We have finally made it to the "One-month-left" mark! I'm the type of person that can get so excited over just a day like today. Being able to say "one month" and then tomorrow being able to say "less than one month" is a reason to celebrate in my book! The last 3 months have flown by! And I'm sure this one will too (at times, or at least I'm praying!), because we will be so busy, but the anticipation is going crazy! Being married will mean seeing him more than once every two weeks! And more than once every two days! And more than once every two hours! And two minutes! And two seconds is pushing it, but still! I will be able to see him more than just every other weekend, and that has to be the part that I am most excited for. That boy gets me through everything, and with all the craziness lately, being with him would be so nice... That takes care of the first "one" and leads to the next two.

A few weeks back, I was feeling pretty terrible for how much I was complaining and griping about our situation. I felt like since we were already placed in a huge trial not being able to see each other that everything else should just come so simply. I felt like the world was stacking up against me and being relentless in an effort to tear me apart. Things weren't falling together, our phone/skype interactions weren't working, my plane got delayed for 3 hours on my way to see him, expenses kept popping up. I felt like I was being treated unfairly, it's hard enough being away from him, couldn't that just be my only trial? During all of my complaining, Derek told me that we were still so blessed. And in the mood I was in, I hated that answer. I wanted him to be just as mad about this unfairness as I was. But looking at it, I can't help but count the blessings, and there are a lot!

Here they go, one by one:

  • We finally have our apartment! And it fell in our lap (almost literally.) Derek couldn't get the site he'd been looking on to work, found another site, and in a matter of minutes found one that looked good, went in, and we got it for a lot cheaper than it said on the website! Here's to saving lots of money!
  • We have all of the furniture for our apartment thanks to our amazing family and friends. All means everything but our bed in this sense, but that'll come together soon. We have our couches, our table, our dressers, our nightstands, and a super duper cute tv/entertainment center thanks to the amazing Pearmain family. I literally cried over the last one. There really are super kind people out there!
  • I got my graduation application and I'm turning it in this week! And my professors this semester have been so awesome about granting extensions during the wedding weeks and helping me figure out how to take the tests in another state! Here's to my final two semesters!
  • Our families have been amazing with all of these wedding plans! I don't know what I'd do without my mom who has put so much time and effort into every single detail to make it everything I've ever wanted. I am so excited about how its going to be!! And for my in-laws and all of their hard work and helpfulness! I got blessed with incredible in laws I tell ya what!
  • We were able to change my bridals so that Derek's sister could do my hair, I was stressing over that one. 
  • When my plane was delayed for three hours (mentioned above), Southwest paid us 100 dollar vouchers to make up for it. This has made my next trip to Cali over Labor Day that much easier.
  • My flight was also delayed returning home, but that gave Derek and I an extra three hours together and I can honestly say that those three hours were some of the very best of my life. We went to the LA temple and were just so grateful for those hours we didn't expect to have. 
  • We've been able to have so many fun weekend adventures in fun places and it has helped to speed up the wedding waiting time. When you're constantly looking forward to two weeks ahead of you, 4 months creeps up on you quick;)
  • We have three weekends in a row together! We met in Vegas last weekend, He'll be in Utah this weekend for when I go through the temple, and next weekend I'll be in Cali to see our apartment and be there for the long weekend! So stoked!
  • Only ONE more weekend without him!! And that weekend will be so full of stuff that it will speed by!

This is only the beginning of my list, and only the beginning of the blessings I know will come from being sealed to my best friend for eternity. With all of these blessings, there is no time to complain:) 

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